Natalie Khokhlova
Director, Actress, Puppet Artist
Natalie Khokhlova is an enigmatic director, actress, and puppet artist whose passion for storytelling knows no bounds. Her work spans across multiple continents and cultures, with a deep understanding of the human experience.

Throughout her career, Natalie has directed a wide range of productions, including "The Sun and The Snowmen," "Antony and Cleopatra," and "A Very Harmful Performance." Her talent as a director has taken her all over Europe, where she has received accolades for her unique approach to puppet theatre.
In addition to her work as a director, Natalie is also an accomplished actress and puppeteer. Her one-actor show, "Attente," was a participant of the world laboratory of puppeteers, I'institut International de la Marionnette, in Charleville-Mézières, France.
Natalie's passion for puppetry has also led her to participate in several festivals, including the Puppet International Festival in Meppel, Netherlands, and the Ricca Ricca *festa festival in Okinawa, Japan.

Natalie continues to push the boundaries of puppet theatre, using her art to tell stories that connect people across cultures and continents. Her latest production, "Pin-Pin The Eggsplorer," will premiere in Toronto, Canada in 2023, further showcasing her talent and vision as a director and puppet artist.

As an associate professor of Theatre and Speech, Natalie has also shared her knowledge and expertise with the next generation of artists.

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