Pin-Pin The Eggsplorer

A cute little show based on the original rhymes by Canadian Storyteller Sally Jaeger

Age: 0+

Duration: 30 min

Language: English

This show is based on the rhymes by Canadian storyteller Sally Jaeger. The show features beautiful puppets, talented actors, songs, and original rhymes that little ones will love.

Director and Production Designer: Natalie Khokhlova

Original story: Natalie Khokhlova

Author: Sally Jaeger

Performers: Jillian Robinson, Jona Villa

Puppet Artists: Denis Gonobolin, Natalie Khokhlova

Composer: Liam Jaeger, Alex Chukanov

Multimedia Projection: Valerie Kupreeva

Lighting Design: Ivan Maleikov

Producer, Stage Manager: Catherine Maleikova

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